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- From: density4@cts.com (Blue Resonant Human)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.abduct
- Subject: Andromedan Update (2/4)
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 05:40:13 GMT
- Organization: CTS Network Services
- Lines: 756
- Message-ID: <4qaoav$9vm@news3.cts.com>
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- Leading Edge Interviews Alex Collier
- (c) 1996 Leading Edge Research Group
- Subsequent to the publication of the 39-page Ets and the Global
- Connection in Leading Edge #89, we did an interview with Alex
- Collier in order to ask some followup questions and try to gain
- further insight into the paradigm involved. The following is the
- result of our interview.
- Val: One question that arises as a result of analysis of the
- material in your Dallas lecture involves a further exploration of
- the concept of the magnetic color-sound frequency emanating from
- black holes. In your Dallas lecture, you said that this particular
- activity began a short time ago.
- AC: I don't know that I know much more than I've already said,
- but I'll go through it again. According to Morenae, on March 23rd
- of 1994 a color and sound frequency apparently started emanating
- from the black holes. It is of such a high vibration that it is
- literally invisible to us. It is not, however, invisible to those
- in other dimensions or to those who are technologically advanced
- enough to be able to register this energy. Now, they have said
- all along that the universe that we physically see is only 21
- billion years old. The space in which our universe is in, which
- is only one layer in many dimensions which they call "conscious-
- ness," is a 21 trillion year old holograph. This new frequency
- which is coming out of the 3rd density black holes spans the
- entire range of the holograph of the universe, and its is literally
- creating a new holographic idea. They are calling this new holo-
- graph "the 12th," and they have said to me that it is literally
- bringing all the dimensions together. Third density is beginning
- to implode on itself.
- Val: Drunvalo Melchizedek at one time in the Flower of Life
- discourse made some statements on what he thought people might
- objectively see when a dimensional interface was in progress.
- I mean, the physical picture that people would observe when this
- was happening. Do you have any ideas about this, or have the
- Andromedans stated anything about this? Would there be objects
- appearing that have unusual colors, or things that appear and
- disappear? Have they ever told you what to expect, beyond the
- increased appearance of ghostly phenomena as time progresses?
- AC: Well, certainly they have said that, but in their opinion
- the closer we get to fifth density, we shall see that. In their
- perspective, fourth density is a consciousness. This is one of
- the blinds of metaphysics that is being taught here on Earth.
- Val: Blinds?
- AC: It's a misteaching.
- Val: Please explain.
- AC: All right. Fourth density is a unified consciousness. As we
- move into fourth density, we will become more in tune, not only
- with the Earth, but with each other. We will know something is
- going on without having to look at television or listen to the
- radio. We will start to feel it, and we will literally have
- conversations "in our heads" with loved ones long gone or in
- other parts of the world. It will be confirmed that what we call
- "daydreaming" is a real occurrence. They said that this is going
- to happen more and more as we get closer to fourth density. Many
- of the children under the age of 14, as we go into fourth density,
- are going to start speaking ancient dialects, and have no explan-
- ation as to how they know it. Children and adults will be discover-
- ing archeological sites all over the world. New inventions will
- come out of nowhere. People will be able to draw sophisticated
- diagrams. Many racial memories embodying extraterrestrial origins
- will start to come up as a result of the genetics that each one of
- us carries. Certain memories will start to come up, and they have
- said that some of those memories will not be "ours," but instead
- have their origin within the genetics that have been "attached"
- to us.
- Val: By these 22 extraterrestrial races that have had a part to
- play in the evolution of the human body.
- AC: Right. Now, this is occurring already, and so many people
- are angry. Much of the anger that is coming up in young people
- is because some of this DNA is "unlocking," and they don't know
- what to do with the energy, because third density is compressing.
- Val: Well, then, what would one advise teens to do?
- AC: The Andromendans never really got into this area. I'll have
- to get back to them about this, but I am certain it will have
- to do with setting up a "system of expression."
- Val: Most probably. I know that culturally this society is
- lacking in viable systems of expression that have been thwarted
- by technological "evolution." So, a perceptual change where one
- sees bizarre visual things would not occur until we begin to go
- into fifth density?
- AC: Yes, we will first start to see what we think are ghosts or
- spirit guides. Some of us on the planet (and there are already
- five who can do this) will be moving in and out between fourth
- and fifth density almost at will. They will be able to teleport
- to different places on the planet. We're talking about hundreds
- of thousands of people. If they're right, this will mean we'll
- be going through some remarkable shifts. If they're right.
- Q: Getting back to other planets and other societies, what would
- you like to say?
- AC: There is so much life out there. There is an abundance of
- life. There is apparently plant and animal life on the planet
- Uranus.
- Val: But it exists at a different frequency.
- AC: Yes, and some of it is identical to what we have on Earth
- on this frequency.
- Val: How about humanoid races and societies, in comparison to
- us? The society on Earth has a manipulative base historically
- grounded in the Orion system. What about things on the opposite
- side of the coin? What is the "norm" in space societies, insofar
- as you are aware of?
- AC: Well, the "norm" is definitely "light." You know, self-rule
- and self-responsibility. The thing that is going on in our
- particular part of the galaxy, which includes 21 systems, concerns
- the idea of tyranny. What is interesting about this is that the
- area in which this tyranny is occurring is a very very old area.
- It has been colonized for a long time, and it has been under
- control of some of the oldest races, like the Alpha Draconians.
- They were the first race to have space travel in our galaxy and
- were remarkable builders, but their species multiplied so rapidly
- that they decided to conquer other races to make room for them.
- Our race, the Earth human race, was literally created by a group
- that came down from a dimensional realm, and these were the Paa
- Tal. This verbal expression called Paa Tal is actually of
- Draconian origin.
- Val: So in actuality the genetics comprising the human body are
- a composite from around the galaxy, but the spiritual entities
- occupying human bodies are literally the Paa Tal?
- AC: Right.
- Val: So, are there any Paa Tal occupying reptilian bodies?
- AC: I don't know.
- Val: That would be an interesting twist on events. If there is
- a huge time-loop, maybe the reptilians actually came from "now,"
- and swung back 4 billion years and started something there.
- AC: Interesting. Anything is certainly possible. So, anyway, how
- the humans in this galaxy apparently found out about the Paa Tal
- was that somehow they were able to get ahold of ancient Draconian
- records. Now, the Draconians are apparently extremely private
- about their lineage and their history. Everything's "a secret."
- They have family "houses" of lineage they are very proud of.
- Val: Sort of like the Klingons on Star Trek.
- AC: Probably similar. Anyway, they found out about the Draconian
- legends which speak of a time where a group of beings came out
- of "nowhere" and created a race to war against and challenge the
- Draconian sovereignty.
- Val: Of the universe?
- AC: Well, no. We only see a small part of the universe. Even if
- you look at the part of the universe we can see physically, they
- say there are 100 trillion galaxies. So, the Draconians are not
- everywhere. There are a lot of them here, and this is one of the
- areas that is causing a problem.
- Val: What have you observed about Andromedan society?
- AC: Well, I will give you the most striking things. They're
- incredibly happy. There is a peace, traquility and humbleness
- about them as a race...it's more of a feeling...an emotion. They
- are not like us. Morenae is the only one who has gone to the
- trouble to physically learn how to use spoken language. Vissaeus
- has always been telepathic. The others do not talk. They just
- watch.
- Val: You probably feel like you are "under a microscope."
- AC: You can "feel" them listening to your mind, but they don't
- infringe. Val, it's very hard to explain. Let me give you an
- example. If you knew somebody was spying on you, and you went
- about your daily business mowing your lawn and throwing the trash
- away, you would be ignoring them even though you knew they were
- spying on you. That's what it's like. I don't have a problem
- with that because I know that they're trying to learn about us.
- Many of the ET's hold us in awe, and they are fascinated by us.
- The thing that fascinates them the most about us is our extreme
- range of emotion. They are awed because emotion is such an
- incredible creative force.
- Val: Albeit coercively misdirected.
- AC: Yes. Now, the Andromedans themselves are not very emotional.
- In other words, you can *feel* their emotion, but when it comes
- to *expressing* it, they all appear to be "anal-retentive."
- Val: What?
- AC: They don't show it.
- Val: Oh. I have never heard that phrase applied to anything but
- Earth humans. Humans who have problems with alcohol and spend
- their time focused in the second brain structure, and love to play
- domination games with other people.
- AC: Well, that's not the right expression then. I mean, they
- are very straight-faced. It's like they are "all business" even
- though you can sense the emotions. I remember when I first
- started having contact and I was taken to a place where there
- were Andromedan children, who moved away from me because I was
- from Earth. Now, the children are taught about the different
- worlds and races, and because of the Andromedan holographic tech-
- nology, it's easy for them to create environments where their
- children really know and experience what Earth humans are like.
- Val: Well, what are they like amongst themselves?
- AC: They are very much like us, except that there is always
- absolute silence. The children are not real expressive. They
- don't run and jump around all the time. They have a lot of self-
- control. When they do run, they don't bend their knees, like the
- Japanese or Chinese. There is a lot of smiling, but there is not
- deep laughter. It is as if you were going to a "mute class."
- Val: What is the pairing like in relationships?
- AC: Well, there are three sexes. Male, female and androgenous.
- What is interesting is that the androgenous beings tend to be
- teachers. In the middle of their mother ships there are huge
- parks. In the ship I was on, the park was 25 miles square.
- Val: Can I safely assume that they do not have a social "power
- structure" because they exercise personal self-control? They
- don't need an external political power structure?
- AC: I have never seen that. No. There is what we would call a
- "science team," that can also move into a military role if it
- needs to. The Andromedans go to school for over 150 to 170 earth
- years, and they are taught all the sciences, arts, and everything.
- They participate in those fields, doing the actual work, while
- they learn. Then, they have an opportunity to teach what they've
- learned to the young ones. The oldest and wisest teach the young-
- est what they know. They express this concept as the "law of
- consistency." The young ones gain the benefit from most of the
- knowledge of the entire race.
- Val: Do they consume food?
- AC: I have seen them eat fruit, which they grow on the ships,
- but for the most part all I have seen them eat are little green
- tablets. It's kind of like an alfalfa tablet, but it has a really
- wicked taste. I volunteered to eat it, and Morenae cautioned me
- against it. I took half and tablet and chewed on it and immediately
- threw up, right there on the ship. He told me it was because of
- the oxygen that was in the tablet.
- Val: Do they have blue blood?
- AC: Yes, they do.
- Val: So, that would mean their blood is copper-based?
- AC: Correct. You are the first person to ask me that.
- Val: So, they must come from a binary star system.
- AC: Yes, they do. They say quite a few of them are binary systems.
- Val: And our system here is binary, but on a different frequency
- where Jupiter is a sun on the fifth density?
- AC: Yes.
- Val: So, on a different density, our Sun might not be a sun,
- possibly?
- AC: Possibly.
- Val: Well, what is our Earth in the fifth density. Is it already
- there on the fifth, or is it a transformative process from the
- third?
- AC: Right now, the Earth in the fifth density consists of a huge
- blue halo.
- Val: So, on the fifth density, Earth is a "budding creation" ready
- to manifest itself into physicality?
- AC: Yes.
- Val: So, what else is interesting about Andromedan society?
- AC: In everything they do, nothing is ever wasted. In other words,
- all of the things they do involve education. It's almost as if
- everything they do is geared to "stretch" them more, challenge
- them more, and make them a more intelligent, more understanding,
- aware race. What is really interesting is that they are abso-
- lutely not competitive in any way. It's something that comes from
- each one of them individually. All of their social functions are
- focused on education and *not* distraction.
- Val: Whereas the function of our society is exactly the opposite.
- No wonder it's going nowhere.
- Val: Do they have any kind of pseudo-religious structure within
- their society, or is it simply an appreciation of the "is-ness"
- of the universe?
- AC: I have never seen any activity like that. It is as if they
- are "plugged in" all the time. There is just a serenity that is
- part of the race itself. I think it was Paul the Apostle who said,
- "always be in prayer." That's what it's like. It's like they're
- always "in prayer."
- Val: You said one time that their eyes change color when they
- think or contemplate something.
- AC: Their pupils change color. They tend to slant a little on
- the inside and outside, but for all intents and purposes they
- are round. It's like a cross of the "round-eye" and the oriental
- eye.
- Val: That must be fascinating to watch.
- AC: Well, I had a lot of trouble with it in the beginning. I was
- so focused not only on their eyes changing color, but with the
- flashes of color on their forehead between their eyes. I was so
- involved with this that I wasn't listening to what they were saying
- to me. They would have to repeat it over and over. They didn't
- understand why I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying.
- Val: How tall is the average Andromedan?
- AC: I have seen them as tall as nine feet. Morenae is about seven
- or eight feet tall. He says he weights the equivalent of 450 of
- our pounds.
- Val: What is the shape of their skullcase?
- AC: Just like ours. I have seen some of their very old females,
- where the skin gets whiter, and the skullcase tends to be elongated
- in the back. Most of the males look similar to us. They are all
- hairless.
- Val: You must be quite a fascination for them, then.
- AC: I have given quite a few strands of hair away.
- Val: What other races do they associate with?
- AC: They are very close with groups from Tau Ceti and from Signus
- Alpha. The group from Signus Alpha know a deal deal about
- acoustic technology. They do a lot with sound.
- Val: Phononic sound technology and optophotonic technology, here
- on Earth, are becoming part of the mind and behavior control
- program here.
- AC: Some of those from Signus Alpha are here on Earth.
- Val: Are they interfacing with the Earth groups dealing with this
- technology?
- AC: No, they are totally isolated in very rural communities.
- There are over 1,400 human Et's here who are only observing what
- will be apparently leaving in the next couple of years.
- Val: In order to meet the August 2003 deadline set by the Council?
- AC: Yes. Many of the planets in the Andromedan system have water.
- Some of them are totally covered by water, and they live on the
- surface of the water and below these oceans. The dolphins that
- we have now on Earth are apparently a cross between a mammal from
- the Sirian system and one from the Signus Alpha system.
- Val: What races have the Andromedans talked about to you?
- AC: The Pleiadians, the Lyrans, the Arcturians, the Ciakars...
- Val: Who are the Ciakars? (Pronounced See-kars).
- AC: The royal line of the Alpha Draconians.
- Val: The reptilians. Are those the ones that have the wings
- attached to their shoulders?
- AC: Yes, and a very long tail.
- Val: Ah ha. The pseudo-Biblical devil image.
- AC: Yes. The Ciakar.
- Val: I knew of their existence and what they looked like, but
- I never knew the name of the race until now. Interesting.
- AC: The Ciakar are in fact a different race than the Alpha
- Draconians themselves. The ones that we know as the Draconians
- are a sub-race of the Ciakars. Other races mentioned by the
- Andromedans have been those from planets in the systems of Sirius
- A, B and C, where some planets are now being terraformed. The
- Reticulan system, Zeta 1 through 4, Signus Alpha, the Dals (the
- brown Greys), the Dows (the white Greys), groups from the system
- in what we call the constellation of Sagittarius, the Mintakians,
- groups from what we see as the constellation of Casseopius (who
- the Andromedans credit with saving their race at one time), Tau
- Ceti, the Alpha Centari system, and the Venaticians from the Canus
- Major area.
- Val: It is curious why, when they would mention different races
- to you, they would bother to translate a multi-million light year
- difference in perspective relative to the way humans name
- Constellations, so as to pinpoint the origin of various races.
- AC: They did it to accomodate me.
- Val: There are a whole collection of species in all these areas.
- Besides assisting people here to understand that the universe
- is highly populated, what other purpose can this detailed
- information as to origin provide? It does have a tendency to
- confuse people who are still grasping at the idea that we are not
- alone. It could be overkill.
- AC: I understand that, but we're kind of under a time crunch here
- on Earth. My understanding is that the reason they gave me
- information regarding these races is that many of us have had
- experiences in these races in space. There is a hope, perhaps,
- to trigger unconscious memory in humans here on Earth. Also,
- many of these races are involved in the rescue mission.
- Val: Rescue mission?
- AC: The mission, if need be, to rescue us from either ourselves
- or destruction.
- Val: I thought the basic concept was that we didn't need to be
- "saved" from anything -- that how everything turns out, from the
- Andromedan perspective, is already a "done deal." We eventually
- "pass the test" and after 2003 everything is fine and the
- regressive tyranny is stamped out. I presume that what is being
- inferred is that it is already a "done deal." I mean, that's what
- is being inferred, isn't it?
- AC: Yes.
- Val: Well, if that's the case, how does one figure in this other
- propensity or thought pattern on the part of the Andromedans?
- I am trying to balance the two in my mind.
- AC: I wrestle with that one myself. I honestly don't know.
- Apparently, certain things are predetermined but other things are
- not, and there might be a time where they need to come in and help
- us.
- Val: That time would presumably be before or after August 12, 2003?
- AC: Or, around August 12, 2003. Many of these groups here are the
- ones who will be involved. The Tau Ceti group has wanted to invade
- this planet already and go after not only some of the regressives,
- but more importantly factions of the United States government.
- Apparently, one of the Tau Ceti race was shot down by the govern-
- ment and taken somewhere at an underground base in North Dakota
- where he was tortured. His organs were removed while he was still
- alive, one at a time. It was earth people that did this. Now,
- this Tau Cetian is a human being, and some of the Pleiadian and
- Andromedan groups literally had to step in and prevent the Cetians
- from coming in here and trying to protect this person.
- Val: What other kind of interesting interplay has gone on behind
- the scenes lately? There are apparently a lot of skirmishes going
- on.
- AC: A lot of it has involved the Pleiadians and the Greys. To
- my knowledge, it hasn't moved beyond those two groups going after
- each other. The Greys are trying to get out of here. I was told
- about a situation which occurred about two or three years ago.
- I was given information that a 21 mile long craft was seen leaving
- the equator from under the ocean. The Tau Cetians, the Pleiadians
- and a group from Zeta Reticuli I, who were not Service to Self,
- formed a triangular position to block this craft which was trying
- to get off Earth and evade the quarantine the Andromedan Council
- is trying to establish relative to alien races visting the Earth.
- Anyway, they captured the craft, which belonged to the Dows (large
- white-skinned Greys). They were able to board the craft and they
- found 8,700 hybrid children.
- Val: Human hybrid children. Grey-human hybrids?
- AC: Yes.
- Val: They were trying to get the hybrids off the planet even though
- the whole hybrid program is a lost cause?
- AC: Well, there's more. They also found more than 1,000 human
- children that had been placed in cryogenic stasis, and over
- 1,000,000 of these little boxes that contained the life forces
- of souls from Earth.
- Val: Captured human souls.
- AC: Souls.
- Val: And what do they do with these souls?
- AC: They feed off the energy radiated by the souls. What they
- are doing, Val, is that they are taking the life force and they
- are somehow siphoning it off a little at a time and feeding it
- to the hybrids in order to keep them alive, trying to keep them
- alive and create a soul in them.
- Val: Meanwhile, what happens to the soul in the box?
- AC: Morenae did not want to answer that question. The 1,000 human
- children that were taken off the craft were then transported to
- the Pleiadian system. The decision was apparently made that they
- could not come back to Earth after this experience with the Greys.
- I do not know what happened to the souls that were in those boxes.
- Val: They would presumably have a way to release them, I would
- think.
- AC: I would think so. I can remember Morenae saying that the
- Andromedans did not know that the Greys could do this and had
- this kind of technology.
- Val: Now that they know about it, what now?
- AC: I don't know. There is a lot they don't tell me.
- Val: Well, I knew more than five years ago that the Greys had
- this kind of technology.
- AC: Well, they are very frustrated. Morenae has said on numerous
- occasions that "it's just their time." The Greys are going to
- die out.
- Val: What about us? We pass the test and those who do not go to
- fifth density create another 3rd density holographic reality to
- continue to play the game until they mature beyond that. In that
- light, what does happen to all of us?
- AC: My undertstanding is that all of us become teachers.
- Val: All of us?
- AC: Yes. We all go to different parts of physicality in fifth
- density.
- Val: And become teachers. Because of this experience we have had
- on Earth?
- AC: Yes.
- Val: You said that as things begin to "heat up" vibrationally
- here, we are going to have access to buried memory within the
- genetics. How is someone who is a "redneck" going to handle
- that?
- AC: Ha. I haven't a clue. I am kind of worried on how I am
- going to handle it.
- Val: And this is supposed to happen when?
- AC: Between now and 2007. By 2009 there will be people on the
- planet going in and out of fourth and fifth density.
- Val: On Star Trek and Deep Space Nine you see many different
- races mixing and interacting. Is that close to what is actually
- going on?
- AC: It's very close to the truth, from what I understand.
- Val: If that's the case, it makes it even harder to be satisfied
- with being here.
- AC: I can't tell you how many times I have not wanted to come back
- here. When these dominos start to fall, people will be flocking
- to contactees and people involved in the "UFO" fields for answers.
- Val: And in many cases, these will be exactly the wrong people to
- ask.
- AC: In many cases, but nobody else is talking to them. The
- government's attitude is that "the truth is a lie undiscovered."
- The people won't have any choice. They will be coming to people
- like yourself, who have integrity. You will find yourself in a
- leadership role. It's going to happen, and it really is as it
- should be. Some of those who these people will go to for answers
- will be Service-to-Self oriented, who will be "in it for the buck"
- or are into being "famous." That means nothing.
- Val: That's mind boggling.
- AC: Within a very short time, those of us who are talking about
- this will go from being looked at as "kooks" to being teachers,
- and all it will take is one mothership to park itself around the
- moon, or have a squadron of craft fly across the United States
- in the middle of the afternoon. That's all its going to take.
- Val: A lot of people wandering around talking to themselves.
- AC: That's a given, and these people are going to want some
- answers. The religious people will be the hardest-hit, because
- in many respects they are going to have the rug pulled right out
- from under them.
- Val: Well, isn't this also the idea of the regressives? To allow
- this to happen for a manipulative advantage over the population?
- AC: Yes.
- Val: So, one would never know which side of the coin it really
- was, if and when this does happen? How would one know?
- AC: It's an intuition. However, the people in middle America
- who watch television re-runs every night won't know the difference.
- The average person who doesn't pay attention to what is going
- on in their world and what it is that they are creating will not
- be prepared for this.
- Val: I would think excitement would push intuition right out the
- window. I think it would be a matter of keeping ones act together
- whether what we saw was positive or negative.
- AC: Yes it would. The bottom line is that you won't know who you
- are or where you're going until you get there, and we're all going
- to be in that boat together.
- Val: How soon will that be?
- AC: It could be as early as April of 1997. It's probably going
- to be sooner, but April of 1997 I was told would be the highest
- probability.
- Val: That's about the time Hale-Bopp arrives.
- AC: Yes. Hale-Bopp will be here in February-March 1997.
- Val: So, a lot of other things will happen around the same time.
- AC: Yes.
- Val: Do you have any take on this January 1, 2000 meeting of the
- world leaders at the pyramid at Gizeh?
- AC: You have read Sitchin's work, yes?
- Val: Yes.
- AC: Remember when he makes reference to Anu?
- Val: Yes.
- AC: Well, supposedly Anu is supposed to come back at that time.
- Val: Which is on the regressive side of the coin.
- AC: Yes.
- Val: And?
- AC: And all the world leaders are supposed to be there to worship
- and adore him as the God of the Underworld.
- Val: It sounds rather unexciting. Obviously, something must happen
- to Anu, considering how everything turns out later. It's only
- three years before the cut-off date for all extraterrestrials
- to be away from Earth. So, with that in mind, do you have any
- take on the events between 2000 and 2003 and what the progression
- of events may be?
- AC: Oh, the earth will be going through a lot of changes. There
- will be new viruses to contend with, as well as famine and floods.
- We will also have wars, most of which will be fought over food
- and water. China is supposed to break up into separate countries
- in a vast civil war. China will end up using nuclear weapons
- within its own borders against itself.
- Val: Now, this is curious. A lot of university work has been done
- that has come up with super crops, such as super corn and super
- wheat that could produce vast harvests. Harvard University
- studies have shown that the Earth can comfortably support 44
- billion people using only 25% of the ice-free land to grow food.
- All this potential exists right now that they are not going to
- even use, because somebody wants it to happen this way.
- AC: But, there's a much higher agenda here. It obviously involves
- us as souls, but it also has to do with something that is very
- strategic about this solar system. I will tell you why so many
- people are interested in this solar system. We have some strange
- planets here. Not only is Earth unique because of all the life
- forms here, but according to Morenae, when we as Paa Tal came
- down from a higher density to inhabit these bodies in third
- density, we used a type of vehicle to travel from where we were
- to where we are now. A type of vehicle. They say that the
- planet Jupiter was the vehicle we used.
- Val: Which is also now a sun on fifth density.
- AC: Yes.
- Val: So, we brought our own potential black hole along with us.
- AC: Our own escape hatch. Richard Hoagland is on to the hyper-
- dimensional bizarreness of Jupiter, but he will never figure it
- out because he doesn't think along the lines of spirit, really.
- Val: Well, he has set it up so that he has an academic position
- to defend. The credibility gap. I guess everybody has their
- niche.
- AC: Yes. He just doen't talk about those things. It all comes
- from spirit anyway.
- Val: So, what happens next? Everything must turn out fine after
- 2003, because they're looking at it from a position in time.
- AC: Yes. We're going to go through some stuff, and I don't know
- how it's exactly going to play out, but they have said on more
- than one occasion that they are very proud of us in the end, as
- a race.
- Val: The end. Of the third density experiment?
- AC: Yes.
- Val: Which will be in linear terms?
- AC: They told me that it would be on December 3, 2013.
- Val: Tell me more about your understanding of dimensions.
- AC: My understanding of dimensions is that each dimension is a
- holograph that vibrates at a higher color-sound frequency than
- others. Fifth density has a frequency scale of 214 colors, as
- opposed to the 73 color frequency spectrum we have here in third
- density.
- Val: How does the mathematical progression go?
- AC: I don't know, but it is a progression.
- End of Interview
- Leading Edge Research Group
- P.O. Box 7530, Yelm, Washington 98597
- trufax@cco.net
- http://www.cco.net/~trufax/androm/androm.html